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// Leadership & Management

Rebuild’s Theory of Successful Change

Over many decades, in many countries, on different continents we have observed that the quality of relationships within any organisation, within any department, within any family or within any community will determine its success or its failure in achieving its goals.

Effective communication is the lifeblood of relationships. Where individuals and organisations invest in improving their interpersonal communication, there is greater mutual respect, there is greater trust, there is heightened team spirit and there is increased energy to achieve mutual goals.

Daniel Kim, author, and organisational consultant, suggests that building a ‘theory of success’ is essential to building a long-lived, successful organisation.

Daniel Kim: ‘What is your organization’s core theory of success?’

It is for this reason that we have invested a major part of the past 14 years into developing soft skills training and into developing materials to improve communication skills in Afghanistan. The healthy social and emotional development of individuals, of departments and of organisations is dependent on the quality of the communication in their relationships. For example:

These are foundational for achieving transformational change.